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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
IF YOU ARE GOING TO HOLD YOURSELF OUT AS AN ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION EXPERT, IT HELPS TO KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS: Mark Krikorian, who holds a position with one of the major right wing think tanks on the immigration issue, comes up with this gem of a post at the Corner: "In an NRODT piece last year on an immigration strategy of attrition (as opposed to my cover story in the current issue, which you could read if you were a subscriber), I referred to 'virtual chokepoints' where interior immigration enforcement should be conducted – events that were necessary for normal life in a modern society but infrequent, like applying for a driver’s license. Another chokepoint is applying for a mortgage, which illegals aliens shouldn’t be able to do if we’re actually serious about controlling immigration. Of course, not only are they are allowed to do so now but, as this story from a correspondent indicates, banks are actively marketing mortgages to illegal aliens. In fact, the bank in question actually issued a press release bragging about the program, quoting the Mexican Consul General in Atlanta saying that the program would enable illegal aliens 'to become further involved in the local community.' This, indeed, is the central political question in immigration – do we squeeze the illegals to make them leave and deter others, or do we embrace them through legalization, either de facto legalization like this mortgage program or the de jure version, as the president and others are proposing." This is pretty astounding. Anyone who knows the slightest thing about how illegal immigrants live their lives know that they manage to circumvent these sorts of obstacles, because they know that life without certain privileges in this country is far better than life with those privileges in their own countries (usually because you can get a good paying job here and you can't back home). If you don't allow illegal immigrants to cash their paycheck at the bank, they will cash it at a check cashing place. If you don't allow them to get a driver's license, they will take the bus. If you don't allow them to go to the public hospital, they will go to smaller clinics. Yet here is a person-- WHO PURPORTS TO BE AN EXPERT ON THIS SUBJECT-- who thinks that denying mortgages to illegal immigrants is going to cause them to LEAVE THE COUNTRY!?! I guess all that right-wing seed money didn't buy much. You know it's a standard piece of liberal tripe that often times prejudiced people are people who don't know anyone really well from the group that they are prejudiced against. Thus, integration and racial diversity are important goals because people who are around minorities and have friends of color are less likely to be racists. Similarly, having a gay friend or relative affects one's view about homosexuality. (It certainly affects the Vice-President's view of it.) Obviously, Mr. Krikorian hasn't gotten to know many illegal immigrants. You would think, even though he is on the side of trying to keep them out of the country, that he would, as an alleged scholar on this issue, try and learn about the subject matter including by talking to some of them and understanding their motivations. They aren't hard to find, you know-- many, many academics have done studies where they have interviewed them and learned why they come and why they stay in the country and how they live their lives. In any event, I don't see how someone who expresses this shallow a viewpoint about the motivations of illegal immigrants can possibly be taken seriously as an expert on immigration policy. Of course, they pay him to express a viewpoint, not to get his facts right.
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I've known a gazzillion illegal immigrant and I would like to see them all deported. So there, your logic has at least one exception.
America is a nation like any other, and we as a people have a right to preserve our identity in the face of massive illegal immigration from foreign nationals with groups such as Mech and the Mexica movement calling for our destruction; that has nothing to do with biggotry on our part and everything to do with a Latin American and mexican Chauvanism. Anyone assumes that because one doesn't want ones country balkanized that you hate the others-no we love foreigners, especially when they stay in their own countries and create their own happiness instead of flooding our labor markets and insisting our society be transformed in their image. The Jewish people have been able to survive for millennia and preserve their culture because they had pride in their identity and values.We Americans need to take note of this remarkable persistence of a people and stand for who we are as well. Our openness and tolerance should not be used an instrament to dissolve us, and it most certainly is. massive Immigration in Europe has had France burning twice in as many years-Anti Semitism in Europe has a new growth phenemomena. Latin Americans have their own set of social institutional injustice, and have no business getting on a soap box demonizing Americans who wish to preserve their national identity intact for future generations of Americans as xenephobes. Latin Americans have a score of countries in this hemisphere, they don't need ours they need to improve theirs. Handing them America on a silver platter as we have been is like handing the car keys to a teenager who has just totaled all the cars in the family except one. Where will WE have to go when they turn the United States into another Brazil or Mexico? When our forefathers came and built this nation, it came to be considered the worlds, "last best hope". Turn all our cities into Mexico city and this nations posterity will be doomed. Spend some time in Google New reading up on "Crime Latin America" and what one will find is as equally henious and disturbing as anything coming from Al Queda. Has it ever occurred to any of these nitwits advocating for the massive uprooting of millions of people to flood labor markets that they are the unwitting tools of multinational corporations and those that seek to dimminisah the legislative risk to business posed by Nation States? If concern for poor Latinos is your honest objective and not simply the domination of American Society by your ethnic group, a more sensible appraoch would be the massive introduction of Capital to latin America-the Chinese have trillions to lend-rather than the massive exportation of Latin American labor. The fact that I have not heard a single Hispanic advocate for such is telling.
America is a nation like any other, and we as a people have a right to preserve our identity in the face of massive illegal immigration from foreign nationals with groups such as Mech and the Mexica movement calling for our destruction; that has nothing to do with biggotry on our part and everything to do with a Latin American and mexican Chauvanism.
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Thanks for your response. I am not going to address the rest of your comment-- suffice to say I have a much more libertarian vision of what makes America a nation-- but with respect to the quoted statement, I would simply note that I live in Southern California. We are probably at the center of the chicano activist movement. The mayor of the city of Los Angeles was a MEChA member in college. I know a fair number of these folks. And I would tell you four things: (1) I have met some pretty radical chicano activists, including Marxists and advocates of truly open borders, but I have never met a single one who thinks that Mexico should take back or be given back the territories ceded in the Treaty of Guadelupe Hidalgo; (2) MEChA is centered on college campuses, where students often advocate some pretty silly things, especially in platforms and mission statements that are ignored once they are drafted, but the activism the major Hispanic activist groups outside the college environment is focused on such things as immigration reform, ESL classes, unionization, health care, education, and other bread and butter issues; (3) even to the extent that there could be said to be a few activists who believe these things, they receive no support from illegal immigrants, who are (a) not politically active due to their status, and (b) tend to love America as a land of opportunity that allows them to send money back to their families that they could never earn if they didn't make it here; and (4) many of the illegal immigrants are not even from Mexico, but are from other parts of Central America and could care less about the ancient claims of Mexicans to the American Southwest. In other words, you can believe in a bunch of scaremongering about a reconquista if you want, but that doesn't give it a basis in reality and it certainly does not connect it to the inflows of workers from Mexico and Central America. If Southern California were actually turning into a hotbed of activism for resumption of Mexican sovereignty, I would have heard about it. And if that isn't happening in Southern California, it isn't happening anywhere else, either. In any rate, thanks for commenting on the blog. |